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User Male Meowstic
Universe Pokémon
Article on Bulbapedia Psybeam (move)

Psybeam (サイケこうせん, Psyche-beam) appears as male Meowstic's neutral special. Meowstic fires a pink psychic blast forward, which can be charged for more power (the charge cannot be held). Weak at low charge and modest at low percents. However, it has good knockback growth, making it more effective later in battle.

Customization[edit | edit source]

Special Move customization returned in Super Smash Bros. Dream. These are the known variations:

  1. Psybeam: Default.
  2. Leer: A slower projectile that must be fully charged. Breaks shields.
  3. Thunderbolt: Cannot be charged, but move quickly and stuns opponents.

Origin[edit | edit source]

Psybeam appeared in the Pokémon series starting in Generation I. It has 65 BP and a 10% chance of confusing the target.

Meowstic's special moves
Neutral special Psybeam Disarming Voice
Side special Reflect Sucker Punch
Up special Psychic Future Sight
Down special Imprison Frustration
Final Smash Psyshock