Cid, the Helpful Adventurer

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Universe Clicker Heroes
Debut Clicker Heroes (2014)
Smash Bros. appearances SSBD
Most recent non-Smash appearance Clicker Heroes (2014)
Console of origin PC
Species Human
Gender Female
Place of origin Unknown

Cid, the Helpful Adventurer, appears in Super Smash Bros. Dream as an Assist Trophy.

In Super Smash Bros. Dream[edit | edit source]

As an Assist Trophy[edit | edit source]

Once summoned, Cid will immediately give a small attack and speed boost to the player(or player's team) who summoned her. She will then go around the stage and attack opponents randomly. After a certain amount of time passes, Cid will rush to the closest opponent and rapidly attack them, then disappears.

Trophies[edit | edit source]

Cid, the Helpful Adventurer
It's Cid, the Helpful Adventurer, from Clicker Heroes! In Clicker Heroes, Cid was your first hero. When summoned in Smash, Cid gives an attack and speed boost. Then, after some time, she performs a Clickstorm to the nearest opponent. Watch out!
Clicker Heroes (07/2014)